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Open University Registration

Enrolling in Open University is easy! You can browse available courses with open seats, fill out our enrollment form, and register for courses once registration opens.

Dates & Deadlines

Spring 2025

Registration Opens: January 14, 2025

First Day of Classes: January 21, 2025

Auto Enroll Ends: January 27, 2025

Administrative Drop Deadline: January 30, 2025

Schedule Adjustment Change Deadline: February 3, 2025

Full Refund Drop Date: January 20, 2025*

*All refunds are subject to a $21 administrative charge. ASB/student fees will be deducted after your first class session.

**Registration or withdrawal after the deadline dates above are by petition, only for serious and compelling reasons.

Spring – Open University Information Flyer

How to Browse the Class Schedule

Before you enroll in courses through Open University, you can browse the class schedule to see what’s available.

  1. Visit to access the SDSU Class Schedule.
  2. Select the term in which you would like to view courses.
  3. Search for classes by keyword, subject, topic, or class. You can also click “Additional Ways to Search” and filter by Available Subjects.
  4. Click “Search” to view the available courses in the term you’ve selected.
  5. You can add filters to view different types of classes. Some of these filters include
    1. Campus: always select San Diego Campus to view courses available in Open University. Do not select Global Campus or Imperial Valley.
    2. Class Status: view courses with open seats, courses only available via waitlist, or closed courses.
    3. Units: the number of academic credits you can earn in a course.
    4. Class Meeting Days/Times: if a class is synchronous (set meeting times), you can filter by days and times you’ll be able to participate.
    5. Location: view courses that are held on-campus at SDSU, online, or at another location.
  6. Click a course to view more information.
    1. Course Information: a brief description of the course, along with units, grading policy, course components, and course career (level). The Course Schedule number should be in the title of the course.
    2. Class Selection: view detailed schedules of each section of the course, such as the days and times of the course, the classroom of the course, the name of the instructor, and the number of seats. Note that you should only register for one class section.
  7. Click on the Class Option you’re interested in and click on the Enrollment Information tab as it contains information about the prerequisites and requirements of the course.

Please note that this schedule is subject to change. Certain courses may not be available once registration opens. We recommend that you check the schedule frequently to ensure that your course is still open.

How to Enroll

Please follow the instructions below to successfully register for courses through Open University.

Browse the available courses in the SDSU Class Schedule.

  1. Once you’ve chosen your courses, click the Enroll button below to begin the registration process. Please indicate on the form that you’d like to register for courses.

  2. Once you’ve filled out the Enrollment form, you’ll receive a confirmation email from SDSU Global Campus within 2-3 business days with the next steps to complete your enrollment.

  3. Once registration opens for your courses, you can register in the my.SDSU portal.

  4. Complete your full payment in my.SDSU after your registration has been submitted. Click here for more information on our payment and drop policy.

SDSU’s Wait List process uses a first on, first off approach. This means that a student will get off the waitlist in the order they are put on. For example, a student who is third on the waitlist will be the third person off the waitlist.

Click here for more information on the wait list process.

After auto-enrollment ends, class registration is by permission number only. Click here for information on class permission.

Note: Undergraduate students who have been disqualified from SDSU are not allowed to attend Open University or classes through SDSU Global Campus special sessions until one year from the date of disqualification. Graduate students must wait one semester after disqualification.

If you have any questions about the enrollment process, please contact the SDSU Global Campus registration office. For questions regarding payment, please contact the Cashier’s Office.

Registration Office: 619-594-5152 | Email:
Cashiers Office: Email:
Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (available by phone and email) hello

Current students: visit my.SDSU to view your current courses. For assistance with Canvas, please contact the SDSU Global Campus IT Support Team by visiting